Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burden, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Yesterday was a day of reflection of our Moms. It was our 2nd annual M-O-M luncheon , thanks to our sweet organizer Susan. All of us ladies came wearing something of our Moms, brought pictures, memories, Mom items and ready with stories to share.
The grief was very fresh for some, like a few weeks but others it had been many many years since their dear Moms had gone on home to be with the Lord. No matter how much time had gone by we all still MISSED OUR MOMS!!!
After greeting each other at the restaurant, we began showing pictures of our Moms. then gathered for our lunch. We each went around the table, talked about what we were wearing of our Moms, then shared our favorite story. My friend Susan had a stack of her Mom's favorite hankies and let us choose one. I chose a lovely one with flowers and herbs. I gave each lady a copy of my Mama's favorite poem. The luncheon was so memorable yet so therapeutic.It was an emotional day for many different people, with many different reasons. We shared our vulnerabilities, memories, love of our mom and the love we feel for our mom. What an amazing day! Our bond that we shared is beautifully tucked inside my heart. After almost three hours of reflection , we hugged, said our goodbyes , and wished each other a "Happy Mother's Day".
My Mama's Favorites:
I wore my Mama from head to toe!! I had on her favorite hat (the only one she liked) and her favorite elephant Lilly shirt. I wore her diamond earrings and her favorite diamond necklace, all of her rings and her MOM bracelet (the last gift I ever gave her and YES it was on her last Mother's Day). Lastly I wore her favorite pants, capri. I almost wore a dress then I remembered she HATED dresses so I quickly changed to pants. I brought some of her journals (Him and Chap Books about past boyfriends and her lock and Key Dear Diary), picture of her jumping off my diving board, and pictures of her in younger years. Oh the memories!!! Love Mama and miss her so much! Happy Heavenly Mother's Day, my Sweet Mama! 2017