I wrote this for my Mama at a restless time in her life. I love how Lucy, the illustrator coupled sweet granddaughter Lenox with my words...
Reflections Of Mama
With Mother's Day rapidly approaching, happy memories of my amazing Mama are continually on my heart. May 2014 was the last Mother's Day...
Beautifully Broken
"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." Psalm 139:14...
From my WORSHIP page of my book STILL BEFORE THE DAWN! It was busy around the Reichel house yesterday. New sod was being planted in our...
A Few Of My Favorite Things
Springtime, flowers, yellow, blue and white, shells!! "This is the day the LORD has made we will rejoice and be glad in it!"...
God Is Always Present
Lucy McTier, the illustrator, did a beautiful painting depicting HIS presence in my book STILL BEFORE THE DAWN!
Sunset Rotary Club Outreach
Last night I was asked by Lisa Medford to speak at the Sunset Rotary Club of Hilton Head. The meal was great and everyone at the meeting...
Keep The Faith
On those days when I start doubting the Lord, He always gives me a sign that confirms He is in control! "Hey, I've got this Jody! Hands...
 Doggie Love
Live and learn! You would think after having a dog almost my whole life I would know to NEVER give a dog especially a small dog a cooked...
This has been a sweet day of quiet rest in prayer!! I am so thankful the LORD didn't wake me up at 4 a.m. to pray and that I finally got...